How Joan Crawford Became Mildred Pierce

March 23 is approximately the 116th anniversary of the birth of screen legend Joan Crawford. (Her real birthday is lost to history — on purpose, by Miss Crawford, who was probably concerned about vanity.)

In honor of the anniversary, check out this lavish piece on how Crawford became Mildred Pierce in 1945.

A birthday toast from Eve Arden. (GIF via GIPHY)


Mildred Pierce is still Joan Crawford's signature film. Like all long-time stars, Crawford is revered for several key roles, but this is the one most associated with Joan, personally and professionally. Mildred Pierce was Joan Crawford's great comeback, though Joan thought of it as a career Oscar. That didn't hurt Crawford’s chances either, with a then-20 year stint in show biz. 

Crawford's back story was one of the most famous in Hollywood, much like the later Marilyn Monroe. Everyone knew that Joan had a tough upbringing, pulled herself up by her trademark ankle straps, and by the dint of hard work and self-belief, became a star. Even more impressively, Crawford STAYED a star!

Click here for the full story.

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