‘Golden Girls’ Blackface Episode Pulled

One episode of The Golden Girls ("Mixed Blessings" from 1988) will be pulled from Hulu because it shows Rose and Blanche in mud masks; in context, the joke is clearly derived from mistaking the masks for blackface, with Rose saying, "We're not really black!"

It's a shame they can't simply trim the scene, because the episode is anti-racist, and gives fantastic guest spots to several terrific Black actors (Virginia Capers, 1925-2004; Lynn Hamilton, b. 1930; Montrose Hagins, 1924-2012; and Rosalind Cash, 1938-1995), but there's no sense in defending it — it's definitely a rare cheap moment in a thoughtful, funny, progressive series.

Rather than focusing only on the missteps, let's revisit the "Camp Town Races Aren't Nearly as Much Fun as They Used to Be" episode of The Golden Palace (1992), which is amazingly prescient in its direct addressing of the Confederate flag and southern racism.

Truly, great writing. Watch HERE.

2 Responses

  1. Why would you “trim” the scene? It’s not a cheap moment, it’s genuinely funny and not even remotely racist! Also, even if it were, why do you think it’s a good idea to constantly edit and re-edit past artistic works to conform to current prejudices? Art should never be subject to a political test of any kind. I’m shocked you would show such bad judgement. Thank goodness I have physical copies that can never be censored by the mob!

    • Matthew Rettenmund

      (1) I don’t think there is anything wrong with editing depending on the platform. Where’s your freak-out over curse words excised from movies shown on TV, as just one example?
      (2) Never did I (or anyone I’ve seen) state that this original show should be banned/not be available anywhere or in any form. That’s your hysterical reaction.
      (3) Looking at how I expressed myself and how you expressed yourself, I have to ask, “Who are you calling the mob?” LOL

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