Madonna vs. Cyndi: ‘You Mean All This Time We Could Have Been Friends?’ & More!

June 6, 2024

Links to the past, with relevance today:

The whole world was asked to choose. (Image via Rock Fire)

NYT: Cyndi Lauper, 70, now says she wishes she and Madonna, 65, had been pals in the '80s, instead of allowing the media to pit them against each other.

TWITTER: Snippets of a 1999 (!) episode of Touched by an Angel, "Black Like Monica," in which Roma Downey dons blackface as part of a contorted effort to show that racism is wrong, have gone viral on social media. The awkward storyline, blatant blackface and lateness of its airing have made it a delayed shocker for some.

Also in that episode is a cringey speech by the late John Ritter, whose character whines about white guilt ... and winds up admitting he wants to wipe his hand whenever he shakes a Black man's hand! And in the end, the most surprising guest star of all ... at the link.

I typically focus on 1989 and earlier, but since this 1999 episode is so retro, I couldn't resist.

FACEBOOK: Fabulous Facebook group is dedicated to Gay New York 1970s and 80s.

Iman Le Caire in A House Is Not a Disco (Image via Rubbertape & XTR)

BOYCULTURE: A chat with Sense8 actor Brian J. Smith. who just directed a well-received documentary on the history of Fire Island entitled A House Is Not a Disco.

THR: RIP to Erich Anderson, 67. His first break was in Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984).

He made a splash in horror, later appearing on Felicity (1998-2002). (Image via Paramount)

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