Donna Mills & Debbie Harry: Sexy Past 70, Patricia Heaton Defends ‘Castrated’ Pal & More!

Links to the past, with relevance today:

She's older than Jessica Tandy in Driving Miss Daisy. (Image via video still)

INSTAGRAM: Donna Mills is EIGHTY-ONE YEARS OF AGE. Yes, she's had work. Yes, she started out looking like Donna Mills. But wow.

KENNETH IN THE (212): Debbie Harry in the '70s ... and in her 70s.

EW: Patricia Heaton whips out the word "castrated" in defending her going-to-be-fine pal Tim Allen, who isn't starring in Lightyear.

DO YOU REMEMBER?: Henry Winkler defends the Fonz's shark-jumping proclivities.

PROP STORE: A new auction of mostly horror-movie items includes Johnny Depp's scissor-hand and these amazing Lost Boys garments:

I feel like these could be worn out today! (Image via Prop Store)

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